Saturday, August 25, 2012

the meaning of life

the meaning of life

what is the meaning of life... if you watch mtv then you might think its about the glitz and the glamour... about mc mansions and yatchs and helicopters... if you read vogue, you might think its about fashionable clothing and looking sexy. if you read the news you might think its about politics or taxes or something like that... if you're in business then you probably think that money is the answer. i know a lot of us think or used to think that life was about getting a job and paying your bills... i mean most of us live month to month, anyways, so paying the rent or mortgage ends up being our biggest concern. without really thinking about it, we're sucked into this system where we pay to consume... live to get paid and spend what we make. month after month...

now, while people have always been concerned about meeting their basic needs... it feels to me like that most people spend their day roaming around the illusion of modern day society... we walk around totally content in what we can see in our cities and towns and on tv and i don't think we even bother to ask ourselves if there is anything else to life... well, the answer to that question is that there is... there's a lot more.

let me ask you something... have you ever seen an atom? none of us have but i am sure that just about all of us would honestly say that a unit of matter does exist that resembles our idea of an atom... so when i ask people why is their belief system so misplaced... most people will just tell me that they only believe in what they see.

as a biologist i usually then ask people... well, have you ever heard of DNA... 'sure,' they say... so i then says to them, well, did you know that DNA is expressed in a written alphabet... and through meticulous study we have discovered that, in fact, this language is in a triplet code. meaning three 'letters' calls for either a start or stop command or it calls for an amino acid that is built into a protein. and this code is used for both plants and animals alike. then i usually say to people, you know, your body is made up of different systems. digestive, nervous, respiratory... and the like... but if you take away one little thing the whole person just falls apart. and then i tell people... if you look at a mouse trap its the same way... if you take away the spring or the cheese or something, it just doesn't work right. that's how you can tell if something is designed or not. then i usually remind people... you've heard of the Egyptians, right? well, back in the day, about 5000 years ago or so, they were building pyramids and they had slaves. these slaves, one day, just walked away from an empire and went to modern day Israel and kicked out another empire that was already there... doesn't that seem a little odd that a country called Israel was there 5000 years ago and is still there today? and that every country that has a motto, 'in God we trust,' has fought in the name of good and liberty and has won every major conflict in modern day history? i mean how much more proof does one need... so have no doubts... we are not all by ourselves on this third rock from the sun. we are in fact very well Looked After. the proof is in the history and the science... if we would just take the time and make an effort to learn more about our Faith, we could do so much more... take the time folks to learn about our God that Loves us so much... learn about His Mercy and His Ways. that is where happiness is at... that is what the meaning of life is really about. our life is a Gift. we need to realize that and appreciate that. and once you get past the doubt phase in your life... things suddenly tend to become very different. and quite interesting as well... scary at times; difficult at other times... but your wildest imagination can't even begin to comprehend what is on the other side of the illusion of shopping malls and cyber space. so wake up y'all, it's a brand new world out here... full of love and excitement and there's so much to learn about. so let's get together and spread the joy and pay our good intentions forward to everyone we know and don't know alike...

May the Great Name of God be Exalted and Sanctified, throughout the world, which He Has Created According To His Will. May His Kingship Be Established in your lifetime and in your days, and in the lifetime of the entire household of Israel, swiftly and in the near future.

And say, Amen.

May His Great Name be Blessed, forever and ever.

Blessed, Praised, Glorified, Exalted, Extolled, Honored, Elevated and Lauded be the Name of the Holy One. Blessed is He Above and Beyond any blessings and hymns, praises and consolations which are uttered in the world.

And say Amen.

May there be abundant Peace from Heaven and life upon us and upon all Israel.

And say, Amen.

He Who makes Peace in His High Holy Places, may He Bring Peace upon us, and upon all Israel.

And say Amen.

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